The Art of Song


The mysterious alchemy of combining music with words has stimulated and challenged composers across cultures for millennia and given rise to a vast diversity of approaches, forms and genres: from art song and opera to blues and soul, from the religious to the secular and the spiritual - to songs without words and instrumental works whose catalyst may of been a text or a poem.

I have long been intrigued with this magic and the projects I post here are interested in creating music both in response to words and in support of words.

I wrote this song as a response to the unfathomable but all pervasive presence of time in our lives. This demo recording was made in New York in December of ‘21 with the help of Stav G on vocals, Leo Lucini on bass and Yana Davydova on guitar, followed by a final touch of trumpet with Audun Waage in Barcelona.

what it does

all I know

is that time what it does is go

it doesn’t matter if it’s raining

it doesn’t mater if it’s snowing

it doesn’t matter if you’re stopping

‘cause it, just keeps on going

it doesn’t matter where you’re born

or when, or why, or how

‘cause time, it seems to have no master

rich or poor, or in between

there ain’t no cracks it don’t get into

no days that pass it by

and once it’s spent for you

it’s gone forever

it’s running right on through you

now it’s passing right on by

you cannot take a hold of it

but it holds on to you - that is

until it lets you go

the final liberation

from all you think

you know




kNOw Religion